Spring Forward: How Start Your Warm Weather Workouts on the Right Foot

Whether you want to tone up before bathing suit season or you’re striving to lead a healthier lifestyle, the spring season is a good time to begin an exercise routine. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to begin your spring workouts, these tips can help.

  • Put it on paper. If you write down your fitness goals and a loose schedule, it will help you to remain accountable and stay on track.
  • Start slow. Remember to keep your schedule light at first and work up to more difficult workouts. Begin with 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise three or four times per week, and be sure to switch up your workouts to keep things interesting.
  • Enlist a partner. If you’re still feeling sluggish, ask a close friend to work out with you and help to keep each other motivated.
  • Invest in new workout gear. If your sneakers from last season have seen better days, invest in a brand-new pair that will get you excited to exercise.
  • Get outdoors. Now that the cold weather is over and the days are longer, you likely want to get outside as much as you can. Schedule early morning runs before work, go for weekend bike rides, or even sign up for yoga in the park.

Spring-Clean Your Exercise Routine [Health]
20 Ways to Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine [Shape]
Spring Clean Your Workout Routine: 21 Bad Habits To Toss Today [LiveStrong]
